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Nurse Practitioner Consulting

 our patient-centered approach means that you're the focus of everything we do

If you're looking for a unique and unparalleled Residential Aged Care Placement service, look no further than Nurse Practitioner Consulting. Our Aged Care Placements services come with a range of benefits that set us apart from other placement services. We'll work with you to find a placement that is tailored to your loved ones needs, ensuring that you receive the highest quality care possible.


How do we differ from other aged care placement services? 


1) We provide Comprehensive Nursing Assessments, which are essential for understanding the individual health care needs and supports for aged care placement.


2) Medication Charting and Preparation is a critical part of admission to an aged are facility. If not completed, it can hold up an admission to your chosen aged care facility. As Nurse Practitioners we are able to provide the appropriate medication charting for the admission.


3) Satement of Choices is a critical document required by an aged care facility. This is a document that outlines your loved ones wishes. 


*please note if you have already have and Advanced Health Directive completed, Statement of Choices is not required. 


4) Nurse Practitioner Consulting will collaborate with other health care professionals such as GP's, Specialist, Allied Health and any other health care professional directly involved in care


Nurse Practitioner Consulting understands that deciding to place a loved one in an aged care facility can be a difficult one. We offer you the support, guidance and understanding you and your loved ones need to make the right decision with confidence. We will guide you through the entire process, with care and compassion.


Going or a Walk


Recognising the need for Frailty Services can be difficult, but it's an important decision that will lead to a better quality of life and a safe one for you loved one. Nurse Practitioner Consulting, understands the challenges of aging and is here to guide you through the process and help you obtain the aged care services you need.




Contact Us Now 

At Nurse Practitioner Consulting, we're dedicated to providing personalized care to help you improve and manage your health for you and/or your loved one 

Book an appointment today! 

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